Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our new pet

As many of you know Tyler and I have a treacherous beloved cat named Carmel. We have had her since we first got married, and she is pretty much a part of our family.  Carmel is totally in love with Tyler, likes me, doesn't like the kids and HATES everyone else. Well, a while ago Tyler started talking about getting a new pet: a snake. I have been COMPLETELY against anything of the sort. Besides the fact that snake people are weirdos, they are scary! They don't bond to you. They can hurt you. I mean, come on. There is a reason that Satan was a serpent.  I'm just sayin!
Our friend, Cliff,  is kind of a reptile maniac.  He and his family have all sorts of creatures: snakes, turtles, sugar gliders, etc.  Tyler has been thrilled to talk "snake talk," and has been dreaming of when he could get his own reptile collection. Recently Cliff's family decided to sell their house, and he asked Tyler to babysit one of his snakes (See exhibit B) while the house is on the market.  I was slightly uncomfortable with the idea. However, we have a detached garage with a studio over the top of it, and I decided that the snake could live out there.  Unfortunately,  having one snake around isn't enough for Tyler. Having Rainbow here just fueled flame for his desire to get his own snake.
Last weekend Cliff, Tyler, and two sweet little girls went to a reptile show in San Antonio.
Meet Watson Watson.

I know, I know. How could I let this happen???! I am now an antiquing, snake owning, make your own clothes, never cut your hair, hippy-wierdo.  I think we have officially crossed over to the dark side.  On the upside, Aevyn is smitten with Watson.  She talks to it like it is a small, furry kitten.  If only I could let Carmel loose in the studio....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. let me try that again.. I don't know that I can house/pet sit anymore. I mean, first your cat attacks me and now a snake?? j/k as long as I don't have to touch it! :)

  3. I mean, Leslianne. I just don't know how you're doing that. Craziness!

  4. Ack!! Hate snakes, spiders are worse I must admit. But realty Leslianne! Please let Carmel loose in the studio. I would pay to see the meeting. Isn't one of the snakes a boa constrictor? Who would win out I wonder? I'm not ever sleeping up there EVER again!
