Friday, May 6, 2011


Happy Birthday to the funniest kid I've ever known! I can't believe you are five years old today! Time has flown by way too quickly. You are dearer to me than my life. I could have never known the joy that your life would bring mine. Your funny stories, your expressions, the way you care for others, your strong character; I am amazed at the little person that you are becoming. 
There is nothing that your Daddy and I love to hear more than your little songbird voice. I pray that God uses your voice to bless the nations for His glory.
I love that you wake up talking mid-sentence. I have never seen anything like it! It's a joy to wake you in the middle of the night for a late night hug and kiss.
Wherever you go you bring happiness and joy. I think that you could breathe life into a cement block! 
It blessed me so the other day when I took you to school and the whole class started cheering, "Aevyn's here, Aevyn's here!! YAY!" Your teacher says you are a leader and that you've even taken a child under your wing. I am proud of you. 
It is true that you are more like your Daddy every day, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Your strong, courageous spirit will guide you through your life. Love Jesus, little one. He is the well-spring of life.  Happy Birthday!



  1. You should make a copy of that and put it in her baby precious!

  2. Leslianne,
    You have such a beautiful family. Happy Mother's Day, I know that you have been a wonderful example to your children!

    "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her"
    Proverbs 31:28
